How can our transport agent help YOUR business?
At Ricketts Corporation, all versions of our Microsoft Exchange Multi-Tenant Transport Agent offer the features you need to make the most of your e-mail exchange. As always, the Transport Agent enhances multi-tenant security by addressing issues with both Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 including enabling correct Out Of Office Message handling, cross tenant address book resolution, and the ability to force all messages to be processed by external AV/AS systems.
At Ricketts Corporation, our transport agent also supports Subject Based Routing of messages. To enable this feature, you simply specify key word(s) in the XML configuration file that, when present in the Subject line of any email message, will cause the agent to route that message to external services (such as encryption engines).
Your customers will appreciate the ability to mark and route individual messages to encryption engines. Contact us for information about how the Ricketts Corporation Microsoft Exchange Multi-Tenant Transport Agent can enhance your platform’s security. In the mean time, take a look at our website for free demos of all versions of the Transport Agent.