Incorrect out of office messages between tenants using Microsoft Exchange?
Are your hosted Exchange customers sending and receiving the wrong Out of Office messages? Our transport agent can help!
One of the known issues with Multi-Tenant deployments of Microsoft Exchange 2010 and 2013 is that incorrect Out of Office messages can be delivered between tenants hosted on the same platform. Without more advanced settings like those in our transport agent and premium transport agent, your email hosting business could be bogged down by security concerns due to inter-tenant leakage of information and users receiving OOF messages which intended for internal eyes only.
Our transport agent can help solve this issue. With our solution, you can rest assured that the correct OOF message is delivered to internal vs external recipients.
If you’ve got questions regarding the known problems with Microsoft Exchange 2010 and 2013, contact us at Ricketts Corporation today and we’ll show you how our transport agents can make all the difference for your email hosting business.